Crick Ticker

Stream marker management for

About Crick Ticker

Crick Ticker is a stream marker management tool for the social networking platform To view or change your stream markers, you will need a (free) account.

Stream markers are the back-end mechanism for tracking your position in streams of posts on Crick Ticker displays the markers for your last read post () and your current position (); usually these are the same post. Surrounding posts are included for context. Crick Ticker handles three streams: your personal stream, your unified stream (including mentions of @you), and the global stream.

Crick Ticker also allows you to set your stream marker to any post, for any of the three streams. (Crick Ticker is not responsible for the consequences of setting a marker to a post that is not actually in that stream.) Enter a post ID in the Set Stream Marker(s) form and check off the stream(s) you want to mark, then click the Set Stream Marker(s) button. You can also use the button to fill in the form with the details of a particular post.

If you are moving the stream marker earlier than the last read post, you can optionally move the last read marker as well by checking the "Reset last read to here" checkbox. If you are advancing your stream marker beyond the last read post, the last read marker will follow automatically (so the checkbox will have no effect).

By using Crick Ticker you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Crick Ticker (like Paste) is maintained and hosted by @mcdemarco.